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Welcome to Fabfile Online!

Your comprehensive, continuously updated, database of Printed Circuit Board fabricators!

With your subscription you receive marketing tools like online searching and sorting on fields of important contact, capability, and business information. For example, the CATEGORY field enables search for Flexible, Microwave, or Prototype Specialists. Shops and Companies can be sorted using output measure or geography.

As an UPDATE service, our goal is to provide ever more useful tools for tactical sales and strategic marketing. At the same time the databases serve OEM/ESM buyers and industry participants with sourcing and potential partnering information. Being a dedicated database company, we strive for accuracy and deliver changing information daily, online, as we receive it.

Our periodic subscriber e-newsletter provides you with another window of changes — some below the radar of common knowledge.


An annual subscription for as low as $500 is a unique and unmatched offering.

"If you are selling to the PCB industry and you don't have Fabfile Online, get it! Right now! You are not really marketing until you have this truly essential product... (more, see testimonials)
— Dan Beaulieu, President, D.B.Management Group L.L.C.


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Only $500 For One Year of Access to both
North America and China combined.